Machine Code commands

  • Created by: Tobiash
  • Created on: 18-11-17 18:42
  • Load

This command will load a number into the ALU, if written as load 15 it will put 15 into the accumulator, however, if written as load# 15 then it means to load the information from the address 5 to the ALU, any digits currently in the ALU will be overwritten.

  • Add 

The command will tell the ALU to add the currently held digit with the digit after the add. the output is then stored in the ALU. if the command is, in fact, add# 15 then it will add the digit stored at the address 15 instead of adding the integer 15.

  • Subtract

The command will subtract the given number from the number currently held in the ALU, it will then store the output in the ALU. Again if it has been written as subtract# 15 it will be meaning the data stored at address 15, not the integer 15. 

  • Store

This command does not have the Store# version as it will simply store the number currently in the ALU in the given address, overwriting any data that is currently stored there.

  • Branching

Branching means that the CU will "branch" from its current set of instructions into another one if the current environment meets a certain specification. This can be used as an "if" variable and allows the computer to start running a separate set of instructions. When the branch is taken the jump is made by changing the program counter to…


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