Macbeth scene summaries



we meet the witches on stage, this is scary for a jacobean audience as they believed heavily in whitchcraft. 


first introduction to macbeth, he is seen as a brave warrior having just won a seeingly loosing battle against Norway. the king speaks about macbeth with the highest praise and some of the witches dialect seeps into mans wolrd as Duncan announces that Macbeth shall be thane of cawdor, since the previous one disobeyed the king. this is ironic as macbeth does much worse.


switches back to the supernatural world. the witches plan to meet macbeth, his first line is in the dialect of the witches suggesting that they control him from the start of the play. they give macbeth and banquo prophacies whcih state that macbeth shall be thane of glamis, thane of cawdor and then king. the witches also tell banquo that his decendants will be king. macbeth is told that he will be thane of cawdor and starts to consider the idea of being king. macbeth is faced with conflcting emotions about being king and what he would have to do to become king.  banquo tries to talk mabeth out of beliving what the withches say but the seeds are already planted in macbeths head.


at duncans castle, macbeth is officially given the title of thane of cawdor. duncan talks about how mcuh he loves and trusts macbeth then annoucnes that malcom will be prince of cumberland. this angers macbeth and he leaves. in this scene there is the moment where macbeth accepts that he must kill to ge the crown, he is still a good man, and so aks the darkness to hide his feelings from himslef and others. 


lady macbeth is first introuduced, reading out a letter that she has been given by macbeth. macbeth calls her his "dearest partner of greatness" showing their close bond and…


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