Lord of the Flies Plot (Chapter by Chapter)


Plot: Chapter by Chapter

Chapter 1:

  • A group of boys are marooned on an island after evacuation from a war zone.
  • Ralph and Piggy are first on the scene and use a conch to summon other survivors.
  • The most impressive entrance is made by a group of choir boys led by the red-haired Jack Merridew, head boy and chapter choicest. 
  • One of the choirboys, Simon, faints near the platform where the boys are gathering.
  • Piggy’s nickname is revealed to the boys’ general amusement.
  • The boys elect Ralph as chief. Jack believes the role should be his. He and Ralph agree that the choir will be hunters, with Jack in charge.
  • Ralph, Jack and Simon decide to explore the island.
  • The three boys cine across a piglet which Jack almost kills before hesitating, he declares that he will spill blood.

Chapter 2:

  • The three exporters - Jack, Ralph and Simon - return and Ralph blows the conch to call a meeting. He confirms they are on an uninhabited island. 
  • Jack points out that an army is required for hunting, while Ralph is more concerned with immediate practical issues.
  • Ralph and Jack agree that rules are needed. Ralph is concerned about order, while Jack is excited about the idea of punishing rule-breakers.
  • The younger boys express their concern about a beast on the island.
  • At Ralph’s suggestion, the boys agree to start a fire to attract the attention of passing ships.
  • A fire lit on the mountain top - using Piggy’s glasses burn out of control.
  • Jack offers to keep the fire going - ordering his hunters to work in rotation.
  • Piggy tells the boys they need to “act proper” if they are going to be rescued.
  • Piggy discovers the boys with the birthmark has disappeared. 

Chapter 3:

  • Jack goes pig hunting - unsuccessfully.
  • Ralph shows his sense of responsibility by attempting to build shelters, but these are only partially successful because of lack of help from the rest of the boys, apart from Simon.
  • Jack develops a fascination for hunting pigs.
  • Ralph and Jack have a difference of opinion; Jack’s obsession with hunting irritates Ralph, who is more concerned with the general well-being of the boys.
  • Ralph views Jack’s hunting as enjoyment.
  • Simon goes off into the forest on his own.

Chapter 4:

  • The younger boys play on the beach but their play is disturbed by Roger and Maurice, who destroy their sandcastles. Roger throws stones close to Henry.
  • Jack paints his face with clay and charcoal and goes hunting.
  • Ralph spies the smoke of a ship on the horizon.
  • He discovers the fire has gone out.
  • The hunters return with a dead pig.
  • Ralph is angry and Piggy backs him up. Jack smashes a lens in Piggy’s glasses.
  • Ralph, upset about the fire going out, calls a meeting.

Chapter 5:

  • Ralph thinks about the seriousness of the forthcoming meeting and his role as chief. 
  • At the meeting, he lays down the ground rules for behaviour on the island.
  • Discussion turns


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