Life Cycle of Stars

  • Created by: R.Perkins
  • Created on: 04-03-14 11:06

How are stars formed?

When sufficient amounts of dust and gas collabarate (because of gravity), stars form. The effect of the force see the substances spiral in on each other, creating a protostar. Gravitational energy, involved within this stage, converts into heat energy, resulting in a temperature increase. When the substances boast sufficient amounts of heat energy, nuclear fission begins. (the chain reaction which sees substances, such as plutonium, absorb slow moving neutrons and spit out a number of their original to counteract the action). During this process, helium nuclei are emitted, as well as vast amounts of heat and light energy; the result - the formation of a new star.

Formation of planets

The creation of stars also sees planets being created as a by product. Smaller quantaties of gas and dust may come together, forming planets that can orbit the star.

Life Cycle of Stars

  • MAIN SEQUENCE STAR - Shortly after its formation, a star enters a sustained stable


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