Life changes and Daily hassles (SRRS) AO1 & AO2's



Life events = positive or negative events which disrupted normal routine and so required social readjustment (e.g divorce)

Daily Hassles = small annoyances encountered in everyday life (e.g missing the bus)

Social Rating Readjustment Scale (SRRS) = A scale designed by Holmes and Rahe (1967) to measure the effects of life events on health. The higher the score the greater, the likelihood of suffering from subsequent physical illness.

1) Rahe et al (1970 LCU score and illness study)

AIM - to investigate the relationship between stress of life events and illness

PROCEDURE -  In a correlational study, more than 25000 American Navy Seamen were given a form of the SRRS to complete just before they set sail on military duty. They had to indicate all of the events that they had experienced over the previous six months. Correlational analysis carried out to compare LCU points and incidence of illness

RESULTS -  A significant positive correlation of +0.118 found between total LCU score and illness (weak but significant in such a large sample). Stressful life events do correlate with physical illness

2) Kanner et al (stress and daily hassles


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