Life under Commuinst rule


Changes for women

Before the Communist rule, women were treated like slaves and were the property of their husbands. Women were made equal to men in Communist Russia. In 1919, the Women's department of the Sovnarkom (the Zhentotdel) was created by Alexandra Kollontai, who was the first woman to be a member of any European Government. Divorce was made easier and abortion on demand was legalised. Women were ensured paid maternity leave for two months before and after their birth. However, progress was slow as traditional attitudes were hard to break down. In employment, the position of women worsened after the return of the soldiers after the Civil War who were granted their previous roles again.

Control over education

Lenin wanted to control education to spread Communist ideology. Every child in Russia was to receive nine years of free education. The curriculum was under state control and focused on practical education and political ideology. Youth


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