Life and Death


Life and Death

Key vocabulary

Body - physical part/ materail part of somebody

Soul - Non physcial part of some body

Death - Eng of life

Salvation - Been saved

Judgement Day - Day God makes a decision wheather or not someone goes to heaven or hell

Purgatory - Roman Catholic belief abou the stage before heave when soul is cleansed from all its                      sins

Hell - Eternal puniashment

Heaven - Eternal happiness 

Funeral - Ceromony celebration the death of someone

Rites - Customs for a funeral

Original sin - Eve picking the apple from the forbiden tree

General Judegment - Gods final sentence on whole of humanity

Particular Judgement - Given to every soul

Redemption - Been redeemed/ forgiven for sins

Christian Beliefs on....

Life after death evidence:

  • Near death experiences, when people die and see light and visions of heaven. Often including loved ones 
  • Jesus ressurection 
  • Religous experiences

Resurection of Jesus:

  • Proves Jesus is the son of God
  • Proves that we shoudl forgive as God resurection jesus after he died to pay off our sins.
  • Proves God in omnibenevolent (all loving) 
  • Proves there is life after death

Salvation and redemption:

  • The orgional sin broke the relationship between God and Humans
  • Jesus crufixiction 'paided to price' for these sins and restored Gods relationship with the humans
  • 'Salvation through faith' meand that in order to go to heaven you have to believe…


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