

Consumer protection:

  • Trade Description Act 1968: retailers are not allowed to mislead consumers regarding the quality of a product. 
  • Sale of Goods Act 1979: retailers must sale goods as described, of reasonable quality and that are fit for their purpose. Failure to do so entitles the consumer to a refund or a replacement.
  • Food and Saftey Act 1990: strengthened the law in a number of areas to improve quality in the food industry.
  • Competition Act 1998: prohibited anti-competitive behaviour by firms.
  • Labelling of Foods Regulations 1970: every food should have a label that contain the ingredients list.
  • Weights and Measures Act 1986: all food containers should be label on the correct
  • weights and measurement.  
  • Unfair Trading Regulations Act 2008: it's illegal give consumers the incorrect information on the packaging and labels


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