Lecture Notes - Week 5; historical development of the welfare state


Types of welfare and providers in the UK; 

  • state - public sector
  • private sector - for profit e.g BUPA
  • third sector - community/volunteering

In 2014/2015, about 2/3 of government spending went on the welfare state - mainly pensions.

Welfare before the welfare state; 

  •  state played a limited role
  •  state pensions began in 1911
  •  council housing began in 1919 after war 'homes fit for heroes'
  •  health - some insurance from 1911 and some municipal hospitals, mostly voluntary 
  • education 1870s act - state up to 13 only 

The social democratic approach 1944 - 1979; 

Beveridge reported 1942 - get rid of '5 evils'

1. Want (poverty) - social security 'cradle to the grave', national insurance, means-tested benefits, child benefits

2. Diseases - NHS 1948 free health care (free milk)

3. Ignorance - 1944 act - tripartite system, secondary education to 15

4. Squalor - council housing 

5. Idleness - help long-term unemployment

The labour government of 1944 introduced policies to try to attack these 'evils' and give support from 'cradle to the grave'.


- Helped get rid of absolute poverty…


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