lecture 7: Political Theory & Decolonisation Reading 2


Deolonisation is not a metaphor 

- Decolonisation is not a metaphor - the move to decolonisation does not go far enough in the way indigenous claim to sovereignty 

- Token efforts to decolonise = not enough 

Term the authors lays out:

External colonialism: all things have become recast as natural resource - bodies and earth for war, bodies and earth for chattel. ( Exogenous or eploitation colonialism).

Internal colonialism: the biopoltical and geopolitical management or people, land, flora and funa within "domestic" borders of imperial nation - particularised modes of control, prison, ghettos, minorities, schooling, policing (systemic racism)

-  goes beyond and argues that "within settler colonialism them ost important concern is land, water, our subtterance earth (land for shorthand). Land is the most valuable.

- to decolonise things needs land reacclaimation as a necessary componenet.


  • How settlers requre land = epistemic ****/change creating the idea that land = property (that land can be owned by a person)
  • undermining indidenous world view by doing that. 

"Decolonization in a settler context is fraught because empire, settlement, and internal colony have no spatial separation. Each of these features of settler colonialism in the US context - empire, settlement, and internal colony - make it a site of contradictory decolonial desires .

"Decolonization as metaphor allows people to equivocate these contradictory decolonial desires because it turns decolonization into an empty signifier to be filled by any track towards liberation. In reality, the tracks walk all over land/people in settler contexts.

  • Desire to play indian move to settlerr moves to innonces 
  • desire to get rid of indigenous culture 
  • to be made innocent 
  • Uses examples Warren, Regan "grandma comples" 
  • "leads to deflect continuing to enjoy settler privilege and accupying a stolen land"

Settler moves to innocence

  • Tuck and yang suggest that "Settlers


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