Law and society, morality, technology

  • Created by: Han11
  • Created on: 19-06-19 15:48

Law and society =

·     Society - Group of people sharing the same geographical area governed by same laws / culture. 

·     Pluralist society - Does not share the same beliefs. 

·     Social norms - common expressions when it comes to behaviour. 

·     If action was deemed criminal in the past but is legalised societies views will change over time. Homosexuality legalised 1967 but was still deemed as abnormal until 1973. 

·     Society can change the law through civil disobedience, riots strikes protests. Public protested 1991 removal poll tax gov replaced it with community charge. Miners’ strike 1984 was unsuccessful in preventing closure of mines. 

·     Social norms can be shaped by the media, new reports Pit Bull Terroirs attacking children led to passing Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. 

·     Consensus theory - Society is in agreement on what laws are needed, this holds society together. Durkheim, a small amount of crime was ‘healthy’ to ensure social norms were reinforced. 

·     Conflict theory - Social change is due to constant conflict and competition for resources in society. Karl Marx, theory based on conflict of social inequality in the law, crime is committed by very wealthy and very poor both for financial gain. Crimes not for financial gain are an expression of frustration / anger of inequalities in society. Sutherland, white collar crimes committed by upper class, blue collar crimes working class crimes. 

·     Labelling theory - Becker, law creates deviance when it labels an action as such. Labels create social stigma. Wilson and Kelling broken windows theory disorderly neighbourhoods lead to more serious crime. Once area has been labelled as disorderly people spend less time in the community lower level of surveillance rise in more serious…


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