Latin Set texts 4- Inspiration

  • Created by: ellie
  • Created on: 12-10-15 22:10

Inspiration for the fight

In AD 60-6, Suetonius and Boudicca meet in battle.  They both make speeches to inspire their forces (you should be aware, therefore, that Tacitus writes the first two of these three passages as reported speech).

Boudicca curru filias prae se vehens, ut quamque nationem accesserat, solitum quidem Britannis feminarum ductu bellare testabatur.

Boudicca, carrying her daughters before her on her chariot, as she had approached each tribe, she declared that (it was) customary for the Britons to fight was under the leadership of women

sed tunc non ut tantis maioribus ortam regnum et opes, verum ut unam e vulgo libertatem amissam, confectum verberibus corpus, contrectatam filiarum pudicitiam ulcisci.

But then she was not avenging her kingdom and wealth as one born of splendid ancestry, but, as one of the people, her liberty lost, her body exhausted by whipping and the chastity of her daughters outraged (violated).

eo provectas Romanorum cupidinesut non corpora, ne senectam quidem aut virginitatem impollutam relinquant.

The lust of the Romans had progressed so much that is was not leaving their bodies, nor even old age nor maidenhood untouched. 

adesse tamen deos iustae vindictae: cecidesse legionem, quae proelium ausa sit;  ceteros castris occultari aut fugam circumspicere.

The Gods of righteous vengeance were present:a legion which had dared to (fight) a battle had fallen; the rest were being hidden in camp or looking around for a way to flee.  

ne strepitum quidem et clamorem tot militum, nedum impetus et manus perlaturos: si copias armatorum, si causas belli secum expenderent, vincendumilla acie vel cadendum esse.

They would not even endure the din of so many thousands, still less attacks and their blows (hands), if they considered to themselves the forces of armed men and the causes of war in that battle line they must conquer or fall.

id mulieri destinatum: viverunt viri et servirent.

This was the woman's resolve: the men might live and be slaves.

ne Suetonius quidem in tanto discrimine silebat.

Nor indeed was Suetonius silent in so great a crisis. 

quamquam confideret virtuti, tamen exhortations et preces miscebat ut spernerent sonores barbarorum et ignes minas: plus illic feminarum quam iuventutis aspici.  

Although he trusted their courage, however he mixed encouragement with prayers so that they…


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