Landforms of Coastal Erosion

  • Created by: holly
  • Created on: 28-04-13 18:18


headlands and bays, wave cut platforms, caves, arches, stacks,stumps, blow holes, Geos.

Headlands and Bays:

Headlands and Bays are formed when the sea attacks a section of coast with alternating bands of hard and soft rock. Waves attack the coastline. The softer rock is eroded by the sea, forming a bay. The more resistant rock is left jutting out into the sea, called a headland. The bay area (soft rock) is now more sheltered, this encourages deposition, beaches are formed. Dissipation of wave energy occurs as the wave crests are extended over a wider area, leading to more deposition. Surrounded by deep water and exposed to the full force and refraction of the waves the headlands are eventually eroded. (eg Swanage Bay, Dorset)

Discordant coast: Where bands of different rock types run at right angles to the sea.

Concordant coast: Where bands of different rock types run parallel to the sea.

Wave Cut Platforms:

Between high tide and low tide rocks are hurled at the base of the cliff (corrasion). This creates a wave cut…


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