

Collision theory:

Collision theory states that inorder for a reaction to occur:

1. Particles must collide 

2. Particles must have sufficient energy (the activation energy) 

3. Particles must collide with the correct orientation

Most collisons do not result in a reaction as they fail to meet the 2nd and 3rd criteria

Activation energy: The minimum amount of kinetic energy that a particle needs inoder to react. 

(This is the enthalpy difference between the reactants and the transition state as the molecules must have a certain amount of energy to break the bonds in the reactants to form products in the reaction) 

- The reaction energy is labelled as the symbol Ea


Rate of reaction: the measure of change in concentration of the reactants (or products) per unit time. 

Depending on which way you measure the rate of reaction (products made/time or reactants lost/time, different graphs are produced) 



The rate of reaction can be increased or decreased depending on the conditions of the reaction. 

To increase the rate of reaction you can: 

1. Increase the frequency of collisions between particles by: 

- Increasing concentration (Liquids) - more reactants/particles within…


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