Key Words: Geography 2


Backshore - the area between the high water mark (HWM) and the landward limit of marine activity

Foreshore - the area lying between the HWM and the low water mark (LWM)

Inshore - the area between the LWM and the point where waves cease to have any influence on land benath them

Offshore - area beyond the point where waves cease to impact upon the sea bed and in which activity is limited to deposition of sediments

Constructive waves - low waves with long wavelength, low freq, more swash than backwash

Destructive waves - high steep waves, high freq, more backwash than swash

Wave steepness and breaking point - steeper waves are higher-energy waves and have a greater erosive power than low-energy waves

Fetch - how far a wave has travelled determines the amount of energy collected

Sea depth - a steeply-shelving sea bed at the coast will create higher and steeper waves

Coastal configuration - headlands attract wave energy through refraction

Marine processes - Processes operating upon a coastline that are connected with the sea, such as waves, tides and LSD

Sub-aerial processes - Processes operating on the land but…


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