Key terms - Social inequality

  • Created by: bethsss
  • Created on: 30-11-17 09:31

·         Absolute poverty: without the basic necessities of life

·         Achieved status: Status that is acquired through effort

·         Age: form of stratification

·         Ageism: prejudice or discrimination against someone based on their age

·         Apartheid: the stratification system in South Africa until 1994 based on keeping racial groups apart

·         Ascribed status: status that is given by society

·         White collar worker: a non-manual worker, member of middle class

·         Blue-collar worker: a manual worker, member of working class

·         Bourgeoisie: The ruling or upper class in Marxist class theory

·         Capitalism: The economic system of most countries today based on private ownership of the means of production

·         Caste: a closed stratification system traditionally found in India

·         Civil rights: rights that protect the freedom of individuals

·         Human rights: a wider category of civil rights, including political rights

·         Closed society: a society is which mobility between different levels of stratification is not possible

·         Culture of poverty: When poor people have a set of shared values that keep them in poverty

·         Cycle of poverty: When poverty tends to be inherited

·         Dependency culture: a set of shared values that lead people to become dependent

·         Disability: Types of impairment in how body functions carry out tasks

·         Distribution of wealth: how wealth is distributed

·         Redistribution of wealth: advocated by Marxists and others to achieve greater equality by giving wealth from those who are better off to those in poverty

·         Domestic labour: work done within the home

·         Elite: privileged group at the top of a stratification group

·         Embourgeoisement: Theory that high levels of working class are becoming middle class

·         Proletarianization: Theory low levels of middle class are becoming working class

·         Equal opportunities: everyone is given the same chances

·         Fatalism: individuals’ belief that they cannot control what happens to them

·         Feminism: Political movement and sociological perspective advocating equality of


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