Kantian Ethics

  • Created by: A. Person
  • Created on: 13-04-16 12:18


  • Morality underpinned by duty
  • Kant -- provide rational framework for ethics; morally wrong actions as errors of reasoning
  • A posteriori considerations - cannot establish universally binding rules/necessity 
  • Only provide conclusions about contingent context-specific matters
  • Moral motivation: the good will...leads to a conformity with duty.
  • The amorality of inclination - shopkeeper.

The Categorical Imperative

  • Moral duties are categorical, not hypothetical
  • Their fulfillment does not rely on desires
  • Generated by contradiction in willing/conception

The Categorical Imperative is a set of maxms, outlining the way in which specific duties should be generated:

1. Universal law

2. Humanity (means and ends)

3. Autonomy (We are all legislators)

4. Kingdom of ends (essentially the culmination of above 3)

Autonomy vs Heteronomy

The autonomous will is free - obeys only self-imposed rules. Rationality


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