Jenner and the development of the vaccination

  • Created by: Grace077
  • Created on: 21-10-20 14:58

Jenner and the development of the vaccine - 

Smallpox in 18th century Britain - 

  • Nationwide epidemics in 1722, 1723 and 1740-42
  • London had 11 epedemics in the 1700s, the worst being in 1796 when 3,548 people died
  • no-one knew the cause but they did notice that people who caught a mild form of smallpox and recovered didn't catch it again
  • Some tried to innoculate themselves against smallpox by rubbing pus from a smallpox scab into a cut. some people died this way
  • Many doctors made alot of money by providing innoculations

Jenner discovers the vaccine for smallpox - 

  • he trained as an apprentice to a surgeon-apothocary and then practiced medicinein London
  • Jenner saw that Milkmaids who caught cowpox didnt then catch smallpox when there was and


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