jekyll and hyde



'If he be Mr Hyde, I shall be Mr Seek'  

'Good influence in the lives of down-going men'

  'You had better correct it' -Shows he is assertive, doesn't let people walk all over him

'And the lawyer, scared by the thought' -Feels as though Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll

'The figure in these two phrases haunted the lawyer'

  "A man of rugged counternance, never lighted by a smile."

"You know me, I am a man to be trusted."

"A singular, strong, almost inordinate curiosity."

"Lover of sane and customary sides of life."

"The last good influence in the lives of down going men."

"I shall consider it my duty to break in that door."


'a large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty with something of a slyish cast perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness."

'he did ot rise to meet his visitor, but held out a cold hand and bade him welcome in a changed voice'

the large handsome face of Dr J grew pale to the very lips, and there came a blackness about his lips'

'instantly the spirit of hell awoke in me and raged. With a transport of glee I mauled the unresisting body, tasting delight from every blow'

'man is not truly one, but truly two'

'the smile was struck out of his face and succeed by an expression of such abject terror and despair'

 'my imperious desire to carry my head high

'irregularities... I hid them with an almost morbid sense of shame'

'Jekyll had more than a father's interest; Hyde had more than a son's indifference'


'Ape like fury'

'Like some damned juggernaut' 

Something wrong with his appearance'


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