Irenaean Theodicy


Irenaeus was an intelligent second century philosopher, regarded as the author of Against Heresis, which responded to some of the common deviations from mainstream Christianity of the time. He is furthermore noted for his links with John the Apostle, thus the followers of Jesus; as he was greatly influenced by Polycarp - the Bishop and Smyrna and one of the disciples of John. 

Irenaeus set out the framework of a soul-making theodicy, which was ultimately to be developed by John Hick in the twenty-first century. He suggests that there is a distinction between God's image and God's likeness. We are believed to have been born in the former state - in accord with Genesis 1:26's teaching "Let us make man in our image, after ourselves". Thus, we are brought into the world as "immature beings, at the beginning of a long process of growtth". And so, through good moral action, we will gradually attain God's likeness and access Heaven. 

This acts as an explanation for the Fall; Adam and Eve began life as immature beings who thus required moral development before they could access the Garden of Eden. 

Irenaeus explains his thinking through use of an analogy within his book, Against Heresies. He argued that a mother is fully capable of feeding…


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