Investigating Enzymatic Reactions (Practical)


This practical will be based on when AMYLASE breaks STARCH down into MALTOSE (+ other sugars like dextrins).

If starch is present, the IODINE SOLUTION used to test for starch will change from BROWNY-ORANGE to BLUE-BLACK.

This is how to investigate how pH affects amylase activity:

1) Place a drop of IODINE SOLUTION, using a DROPPING PIPETTE into every well of a SPOTTING TILE.

2) Place a BUNSEN BURNER on a heatproof mat and place a gauze on a tripod above it.

3) Place a BEAKER OF WATER on the gauze and heat the water until the temperature is 10°C, using a thermometer to measure temperature. (Try to keep temperature CONSTANT).

4) Using a SYRINGE, add 1cm3 of AMYLASE SOLUTION plus 1cm…


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