Intuitionism - W.D. Ross

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 29-03-18 18:06

W.D. Ross  accepted Moore's argument that goodness cannot be defined in natural terms and argued that moral principles cannot be absolute

Ross developed prima facie (meaning 'at first appearance') duties 

  • Ross believed that, in a moral dilemma, the various duties/obligations that we have are apparent
  • A prima facie dutie is a moral obligation that binds us to follow it unless there is an overriding obligation
  • The seven foundational prima facie duties Ross acknowledged were: promise-keeping, reparation for harm done, gratitude, justice, beneficence, self-improvement and non-maleficence; these prima facie principles emphasise a personal character of duty rather than one set on certain absolutes
  • The prima facie duties are important for moral decision-making, but ultimately, choosing is a matter of judgement as the duties do not tell us what to do


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