Introduction to Anatomy (Degree Level)

  • Created by: ryanvg
  • Created on: 10-10-13 17:44

The study of Anatomy

What does Anatomy Mean?

  • In Greek/Latin, Anatomy means to cut, meaning Anatomists study the way in which parts of the (human) body fit together and work.
  • This Science is described as being the primary Science of medicine
  • The Primary role of Anatomy is the naming of body structures so they can be better identified and understanding the arrangement of the body.
  • In the modern day world Anatomy is a practical science which envolves proving information for the understanding of physical performance & health of the body.

Basic Terminology!


  • Hyper - Above normal, such as Hypertension
  • Hypo - Below normal such as Hypoglycemia
  • Peri - Close to or around such as Pericardium


  • itis - The inflammation of such as meningitis
  • ology - the science of such as Morphology
  • paty - the abnormality of such as neuropathy

Descriptive Topography

When describing the organisation of the human body, we do this by relating parts of the body to others while the body is in a particular position. This position is the Anatomical Position. This is:

 - Stand with head facing forword, arms by the side, palms facing forwards and fingers pointing down.

Body Regions

In anatomy the body is devided into different regions so that they can better be desribed, these are shown below: 

  • Cephalic - Skull & Face (eyes, nose, mouth etc.)
  • Cervical - attached the head to the trunk
  • Trunk - Thorax, abdomen and pelvic cavities
  • Upper Extremities - Shoulders, arms & hands
  • Lower extrematies - buttocks, thighs, knees, legs & feet

Anatomical Planes

An anatomical place is used to devide the body into sections so that when describing parts of the body they can be descirbed relative to certain planes of the body, this allows much better…


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