  • Created by: Njsmith1
  • Created on: 09-06-14 18:51

The main assumption is that addictions are a disease and normally involve some sort of medication. Aim for abstinence and think the idea of withdrawal symptoms are a key and important factor.

agonist therapies:
an agonist is a chemiccal that binds to the receptor of a cell and triggers a response by that cell. They cause an effect as they often momoc the action of a normally occuring substance

antagonist therapy:
They prevent an effect. Will bind to receptors to dampen or block the biological response.

Nicotine replacement therapy - gum, inhalers, spray - work by still giving nictoine but taking away other harmful components and negative consequences of the addiction

Buproprion and varencline - mechanism action in the brain that helps to prevent relapse. Both recommended with behavioural therapies. They are anti depressants which both block the effects of nicotine and make you happy.

-most are slow  releasing so are less satisfying which can lead to relapse
-nicotine treatment used as treatment but nicotne is addictive component so not really tackling the addiction as nicotine is still harmful.


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