

What is Inflation

  • Is a general and continuing rise in prices

  • Deflation is to describe a fall in average prices

    • Also used to describe where aggregate demand is falling

    • Aggregate demand is total demand in the economy

How is it measured

  • Governments measure and monitor inflation rate

  • Measured using the Consumer Price Index (CPI)

    • A measure of average prices calculated from the same price information; a monthly price is worked out then the average price is converted into an index number

Type of Inflation

Demand-Pull Inflation

  • Inflation caused by too much demand

  • If demand (same with aggregate) increases, there would be an increase in prices

Causes are..

  • Rising consumer spending by tax cuts or low interest rates

  • Sharp increases in government spending

  • Rising demand for resources by firms

  • Booming demand for exports

Cost-Push Inflation

  • Inflation cause by rising costs

    • When businesses are faced with high costs they rise prices to protect their profit

Causes are…

  • Rising costs of imported goods

  • Wage increases

  • Increases in taxation

Relationship between inflation and interest rates

  • Monetarists believe there is a link between inflation and growth in money supply

    • Money supply is the stock of notes and coins, bank deposits and other financial assets in the economy

Causes may be…

  • When households, firms and the government borrow more money from banks to fund extra spending.

Impact of Inflation


  • Main problem with Inflation is that prices are rising.

  • Reduces the purchasing power of money

    • People can’t buy as much with their income

    • Households will experience fall in living standards


  • Workers


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