India in 1914


Political geography:


- Political appointment made in Westminster.

- Represented the British Crown in India.

Secretary of State:

- Selected by Parliament and responsible for government policy in India.

- Guided and advised by the Council of India.

Council of India:

- Based in London and consisted of 15 men, none of which were Indian.

Indian Civil Service:

- Hierarchal in structure from the Crown to local officials.

- Indians were not barred but route to acceptance required exams in London making it difficult.

- Ensured British laws, rules and regulations were implemented in India.

Princely States:

- Places such as Bombay were under the Raj but others were not directly subjected and were ruled by princes.

- Consisted of 35% of India.

The British India:

Key Words:

Raj - British rule in India.

Durbar - Large elaborate ceremonies.

East India Company - A British company formed to trade with India.

Indian Mutiny 1857 - Rebellion of Sepoys serving in the Eat India Company's Army.

Government of India Act (1858) - Placed India underdirect British Government Rule.

British became invloved in India due to:

- Trade - cotton, pepper, indigo, spices..

- Relied on private finance. Trading companies regularly shipped materials to their trading factories in India, e.g. gold, silver, wool to exchange.

- Spices dominated the early days but by the end of the 18th century Indian textiles had taken over.

Indian society and religion:

Caste system and Dalit:

Assumed to be stemmed from purity and pollution.

1. Bhramin - Priests and Academics.

2. Kshatryia - Warriors and Kings.

3. Vaishya - Merchants and Landowners.

4. Sudra - Commoners, Peasants and Servants.

5. Untouchables - Outcast (Out of Caste), Street sweepers and latrine cleaners.


Population in 1914 - 300 million.

Hindus - 70%:

- The purpose of life is to understand ones own eternal identity (atma/soul).

- A constant cycle of birth and rebirth (Samara) continues until a true understanding is reached then the soul released.

- All existence comes from an eternal spiritual truth.

- The soul is eternal and lives many lives.

Muslims - 20% (Largest Minority):

- There are five vital pillars including faith (Shahadah), prayer (Salah), fasting (Sawm), charity (Zakah) and Pilgrimage (Hajj).

- Only one true god = Allah and his final prophet is Muhammad*.

- North West Muslims held influential positions.

- Muslims tended to be found forming the peasant class in Bengal.

- Fewer Muslims in the South however stronghold of Mughal Empire in Hyperbald in 16th and 17th Centuries.

Christians and Sikhs - Next sizeable minority:

- Sikhs formed a highly localised group in the Punjab & grew out of interaction between Hindus and Muslims in the 17th Century.

- Christians in far south formed as a result of missionary work in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Importance of India to Britain:

Useful to Britain:

- Raw jute, to make materials; clothing and judicial wigs.

- Tea; common British drink.

- Wheat; source of food and carbohydrates.



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