In Memory of Eva Gore-Booth and Con Markiewicz

  • Created by: Amy
  • Created on: 09-05-15 00:10

"The light of evening, Lissadel,  -  Great windows open to the south,"

- light = good, happy.

- Lissadel - assonance = beautiful.

- starts of with memory - shows desire to go back - timeless picture of them.

- windows opening = oppurtunity, potential. 

"Two girls in silk kimonos, both  -  Beautiful, one a gazelle."

- memory of them - girls = young.

- caesura after beautiful - stresses the beauty of the past.

- rhythm breaks up before beautiful - emphasised. 

- repeated later - sort of refrain. 

"But a raving autumn sears  -  Blossom from the summer's wreath;"

- raving autumn = time - harsh, crazy, powerful - similar to autumn in Wild Swans. 

- sears = branding - quite violent. 

- contrast to blossom which is a natural, beautiful process.

- wreath is associated with death/funerals. 

"The older is condemned to death,  -  Pardoned drags out lonely years  -  Conspiring among ignorant."

- death and wreath = half rhyme - stresses death.

- pardoned - rhythm breaks - miss a beath - start on stronger beat - build up of anger.

- caesura - emphasises next phrase about loneliness.

- lonely because their hearts have been "enchanted to a stone" - consequences of politics. 

- conspiring - rhythm breaks up - anger building up.

- ignorant - implies their not even doing anything useful.


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