Important symbols and ideas in Never Let Me Go


Important symbols and ideas in Never Let Me Go-

  • The lost corner in Norfolk

    • Romanticizes the idea of easily finding things

    • Shows how naive and ignorant the students are

    • May always feel like what is rightfully yours will be returned, explains why they easily donate organs as they are clones, copies of other people, the organs are not theirs.

  • The ghost girl haunting the forest (rumor)

    • Children made this story up as to give them a reason not to explore beyond the boundaries of Hailsham

    • Ghosts are unknown and feared, they are dead should floating around and they have linked that idea with whatever is outside the walls of Hailsham

  • The sea and the sea shore

    • Many semantic fields of water and waves in relation to the bonds between the students

    • Sea is very deep and acts as a symbols of a barrier, literally and metaphorically

    • The sea withholds many unknowns and the students always stand back and do no explore the depths of the world around them and instead act passive.   

  • The song Never Let Me Go

    • This is a theme throughout the


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