Impacts of One Child Policy

  • The methods employed showed complete disregard for human rights. However, we do not judge the Chinese by Western standards as it is part of the Communist belief that the overall good of society overrides individual freedom.
  • China has brought fertility levels down. The total fertility rate is down from 6 in 1960 to 1.7 in 2000. No other country has achieved such a dramatic reduction in 40 years.
  • Marriage continues to be nearly universal but the age of marriage has increased from 18 years in 1960 to 22 years in 2000.
  • China has become economically well developed in the last decade and some of that success must be attributed to the anti-natalist policy.
  • It has been claimed that the Chinese no longer want to have larger families due to One Child Policy.
  • The Chinese population is ageing and in the future there will be reduced labour force.
  • With fewer young people and more elderly as life expectancy…


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