Impact of rebellions on government

  • Created by: rose
  • Created on: 08-04-15 21:00


Consulting advisers :

Henry VII consulted one or more of his most trusted household servants and occasionally nobles when rebellions happened.

1487 Simnel rebellion - when Hnery heard Simnel was planning to invade England.

Henry VIII:

Left rebellion to his council such as Wolsey in 1525 and Cromwell in 1530's but insisted in being informed.


Somerset was criticised in 1549 becasue he didn't regularly consult or take the advice of the Privy Council on dealing with rebellion.

Mary & Elizabeth:

Relied on their councilors,Elizabeth was well srved but Mary receievd conflicting advice during Wyatts revolt.

1554 Wyatts rebellion,the council quarrels and started blaimng eachother,only her decision to stay saved her life and throne.

Information Gathering:

Henry VIII - after hearing that Sawley Abbey was taken over by monks inPOG he wrote to the earl of derby telling him to execute the monks despite the fact the earl was heavily outnumbered and noweher near the monks.


Somerset duing the western rebellion relied on out of date reports and comepletely underestimated the size of the rebellion or how close they were already campd outside Exeter.

Most Tudors employed spies and informers.

Henery VII:

Tracked rebels who had escaped from the Battle of Bosworth such as the Stafford Brothers and Lord Lovel.Had extensive number of spies in European courts who kept him informed about pretenders .For example spies supplied the king with information about Warbeck.Attatched to the bonds of allegiance weer conditions that oblidged them to inform the council if they heard any information.


Relied on Francis Walsinghams gathering of intelligence .He employed over 50 agents at home and abroad.

Role of Nobility:

Nobles and councillors were only called upon to restore order when the JPs couldn't.

Henry VIII

Amicable Grant with Suffolk and Norfolk.

Again in the Lincolnshire rising,20,000 rebels were preparing to go to London ,Henery VIII got Suffolk and Norfolk to supress the rebls after Hussey failed.


Somerset heard pf disturbances in Devon and Cornwall but considered it to be an isolated incident.Somerset sent Carew a former sheriff of Devon,this was a terrible decision as Carew was a devout protestant and lacked diplomacy,when he tried to reasn with the rebels one of his men set a barn on fire and escalated the rebells.


Elizabeths council moved fast when they heard of distrubance in Oxforshire.The foure men were arrested before the revolt gathered momentum.Similarly Essexs rebellion in 1601 was…


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