Impact of WW1


Outbreak of war

  • 6 million men were removed from the economy into the armed forces
  • Around 1 million women joined the workforce
  • The suffragettes and suffragists put their campaigns on hold to support the war effort
  • The White Feather Campaign was a movement where women would give those they deemed fit enough to fit a white feather. it was a sign of weakness and cowardice

War work

  • 1 million women entered the workforce and by 1918 1/3 of the workforce was female
  • 113,000 women joined the Women's Land Army to provide a workforce for agriculture due to a reduction of imports
  • Trade Unions didn't want women to work in men's places so in 1915, Christabel Pankhurst organised a 'right to serve' march which demanded the right for women to work in the more dangerous jobs to help the…


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