Hurricane Hits England


Hurricane Hits England-Grace Nichols 

Hurricane hits England is based on the central image of her and other peoples experiences. The experience was the Caribbean storm that struck England and made the poet retrace her life journey from the west to remind her of home country. 

The poem starts off in third person, where she calls her self "her" and "she" meaning that she has detached herself from it. The use of the words "The howling ship of the wind" is imagery of the sea. Like a ship the wind is coming across the sea onto the land. 

However it changes again in the second stanza to first person when she addresses the Guyanan storm God's-Huracan, Oya, Shango. The structure of the poem is mostly free verse with no rhyme scheme and with variation in the stanza and line lengths. The first line, "It took a hurricane. to bring her closer" is in perfect pentameter. 

The third stanza is the confusion that the poet is feeling about why it is that the "old toungues" are "reaping havoc in new places". The first reference means the language spoken in Guyana or the language of the place that she remembers he hurricanes from. The reaping havoc means creating destruction. The poet is asking why it is that the hurricanes are hitting Britain. 

The fourth stanza is the comparison where Grace Nichols compares the power of lightning with electricity formed by man. The lightning


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