Humanistic approach


Humanistic approach


-psychology should not entirely focus on childhood, unconcious, irrational and instinctive forces.

-animal studies should not be used to study human behaviour 

-humans are self-determined and have free will and are not affected by external or internal influences.

Carl Rogers:

-He believed that each person is capable of achieving their own personal goals, they are fully functioning people;

.open to experience

.existential living

.trust feelings


.fulfilled life

-He also believed people need to have two basic needs in order to be accepted by others and can result in low self esteem if not met;

.unconditional positive reguard- acceptance and love for one another despite any faults. In childhood this comes from parents which is essential in developing well adjusted adults later in life.

.self worth- an individual feels confident and positive about themselve, accepts both failure and success

-He believed a persons concept


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