Human Geography (Tourism)


Eco Tourism - Gambia

Ecotourism is when people visit a place because of it's natural beauty and cause as little harm to it as possible. Ecotourism comes from 2 key ideas:

Conservation - thoughtful use and carefully planned use of resources in order to maintain the environment for future generations.

Stewardship - the responsibility of looking after things so that the environment is there for the present people and the people of the future.


  • Peaceful location
  • 2,000 trees
  • Owned by local people
  • Round houses are hotels and there is only 9

Environmental positive

  • Composting toilets which use no water and the compost is used in fertilizer
  • Fresh water swimming pool uses natural filters and no chemicals to clean the water which attracts many birds
  • Renewable energy such as solar pannels…


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