Education under Stalin




To be productive, the workforce must possess at least basic literacy and numeracy skills; industrialisation couldn't move forward without skilled workers. The First FYP was adversly affected by the fact that many of the workers were undereducted. Such as workforce had been fine under the Tsarist system when people would largely go on doing what they had always done. But radical changes were required for industrialisation as workers needed to learn to do new things for which they required education and training. The years of wars and revolution had left a legacy of rebelliousness. Stalin needed unquestioning obedience to the authority of the Communist Party and to Stalin. Formal, acedemic education was made a priority, along with the recognition of the need for discipline and order. This would instill in the young the skills and values needed in the workplace and in a oneparty state. Organisations like Komsomol instructed children to respect their parents and those in authority. 

From 1930, primary education was compulsory, this was further developed to guarantee every 10 years' mandatory schooling. From 1935, children all learned reading, writing, mathematics, history, science, Russia, geography and Communist ideology. In the early years of the Bolshevik government, history was taught in terms of exploitation of one class by another but under Stalin every…


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