How did the Big Three feel about the Treaty of Versaillies

  • Created by: Lollipop
  • Created on: 30-05-12 17:08

Clemenceau liked the harsh things that were in the Treaty, especially reparations, because they would harm Germany.   He liked the tiny German army, and the demilitarised zone in the Rhineland, because he though that this would protect France from attack in the future.   Also, he was pleased that France got Alsace-Lorraine, and German colonies.   But he wanted the Treaty to be harsher.

Wilson got self-determination for the peoples of Eastern Europe, and a League of Nations, but he hated the Treaty because few of his ‘Fourteen Points’ got into the Treaty.   Worst of all, when Wilson went back to America, the Senate refused to join the League of Nations, and refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles!

Lloyd George hated the Treaty, He liked the fact that Britain got German colonies, and the small German navy helped British sea-power.   But, although many British people wanted to ‘make Germany pay’, Lloyd George thought that the Treaty was too harsh, and that it would start another war in 25 years time.


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