How Successful were MT's economic policies?


Successful were MT's economic + social policies?


  • Retail prices x2 1973-1979
  • MT believed that inflation:
    • eroded M.C savings therefore reducing social stability
    • made Uk industry overpriced
    • reduced incentives + enterprise
    • was fuelled by govt spending
    • was a direct result of Keynesianism
    • could only be tackled by reducing money in circulation

Taxation Policies

  • intitial govt measures made inflation worse --> honoured pay awards + gave t low paid workers, VAT increase pushed up prices
  • Therefore 1980/81 budgets meant: cuts to govt spending, reduced govt borrowing, increased taxes --> described as most unpopular budgets in history 

Howe's Policies + economic problems

  • had a +tive impact on inflation but contributed to economic downturn
  • rate @ which prices rose reduced form 18% to 4,5% 1980 --> 1983
  • manufacturing output fell 14%
  • unemployment x2 to 3mn 1979…


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