How do Atwood and Shelley structure their narratives to be exciting?


Structure of narratives to make exciting....

  • Sections in both Handmaid's:
    • Night, Day, Shopping, Waiting room, Nap, Household, Birth day, Soul Scrolls, Jezebel's, Salvaging
    • Frankenstein: Volumes, as well as different character p.o.v's structuring novel
  • Gradual Revelation
  • F uses Chinese Box
  • Structure F is epistolary
  • Both told audibly- F having either the creature or victor speaking (letters used to in F), while THT is told either through offred on tapes, or Prof piexoto
  • F tells through the eyes of different narrators, while in THT its maily through Offred and the Piexoto at end
  • Sporadic-THT
  • F is Cyclical, Walton at beggining and end Both told in 1st person
  • in F lots of melodramatic exclaimations, 'Abhored daemon!'
  • Both novels openings are after big events and due to gradual revelation the reader is drawn in- THT set in what 'used' to be a gymnasium, due to recent formation of Gilead, opening of F is Walton's letters where Victor is found... Both authors draw readers in immediately by leaving a lot to be revealed instead of setting the story up immediately
  • Both novels have surprising endings- Historical Notes, Victor dying, Creature about to die
  • Climax at end
  • to an extent both novels are speculative fiction…


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