How did The Great Depression change politics in the Weimar Republic?


The Rise of the Communists:

The German Communist party had maintained a steady vote in the national elections between 1924 and 1929. Following the Wall Street Crash of 1929 its support increased from 10.6% to 16.9%. People were attracted to its message of nationalisation (where the state takes control of important industries) and jobs would be guaranteed for all. It's evident that the Weimar Republic was beginning to lose popularity. The things that they stood for didn't appeal to the German citizens.

The rise of the Nazis:

The Nazis message made a promise of jobs and bread and attracted an eager audience. The Nazis brought back the idea of the 'stab in the back' and Hitler said that he would destroy the Treaty of Versailles. The Nazis blamed the Weimar Republic and said…


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