How can magazines survive in the current climate?


How can magazines survive in the current climate? ¨Why are some magazines, particularly fashion magazines and weeklies, in decline? Glossies Easily replicated content leads to magazines' deaths. Many magazines are online. People are less willing to pay for what they can get for free. Magazines must be present across all platforms to survive. ¨How has Cosmopolitan succeeded in increasing its circulation? Cosmopolitan has quadupled its sales via 'clever' advertising. Cosmopolitan is £1. Reduced cover price. Has the 'eyes and ears for mellenials'. Long reads. Ecosystem - launched new platforms. Cosmo is on platforms like Snapchat. Cosmo generates most of its revenue from hard copies. Online content is different to print content because people won't pay for what they can get for free. But people are more willing to pay for good journalism.     Makes online and hard


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