How and why do places vary?

  • Created by: Emanuelle
  • Created on: 10-03-18 14:52


  • Changes to economies and societies occur due to local, national and global processes such as the movement of people, information and resources. An abundance of these factors can make places become economically wealthy whilst other places are marginalised.
  • Globally and regionally, there are economic inequalities which are considered when regeneration programmes are produced.
  • Economic activity can be classified as primary (agricultural based), secondary (manufacture based), tertiary (service based) and quaternary (information based) It can also be classified as part/full time, temporary/ permanent and employed/self-employed.
  • Places vary according to their economic activity which can be analysed using employment data and output data. E.g, London has an unemployment rate of 7.8% whilst Birmingham has 6.3% (with the biggest drop in unemployment rates in the UK from 7.5% to 6.3% between Septemeber and November 2014).
  • Differences in economic activity occur from variations in social factors, such as health, life expectancy and education levels, determining a person's ability to work.
  • Inequalities in pay levels are reflected in the quality of life indices. Families with a low income are ranked…


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