How accurate is it to say that religious nonconformity survived persecution during the Restoration (1660–88) mainly due to the actions and attitudes of Charles II and James II?


How accurate is it to say that religious nonconformity survived persecution during the Restoration (1660–88) mainly due to the actions and attitudes of Charles II and James II?

LOA- no was a commitment to belief 


Charles II demonstrated some sympathy for non-conformists by attempting to suspend the Act of Uniformity in 1662

In 1672 Charles II suspended the Conventicle Act and other persecuting laws by means of a Declaration of Indulgence which permitted dissenters the freedom not to attend church and to hold their own licensed gatherings

 In 1667 Charles II appointed a group of advisers, including two closely associated with moderate Puritanism, in order to challenge the High Church


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