Hot Deserts-Biodiversity

  • Created by: Djoumana
  • Created on: 16-11-17 23:48

Plants and Animals are Adapted to the hot, dry conditions:

Desert plants have adaptations to help the cope with the hot, dry conditions:

·         Plant roots are either extremely long to reach very deep water supplies, or spread out very wide near the surface to catch as much water as possible when it rains.

·         Many plants, are succulents. They have large, fleshy stems for strong water and thick waxy skin to reduce water loss. Some also have sharp spines and toxins to stop animals stealing water from their stems. 

·         Some plants have small leaves or spines- this gives them a low surface area, reducing transpiration.

·         The seeds of some plants only germinate when it rains- the plants grow, flower and release seeds in just a few weeks, which makes sure they only grow when there’s enough water to survive.

Desert animals are also adapted to cope with the high temperatures and limited supply of water:

·         Being nocturnal means that animals can stay cool in burrows during the day or sit still in the shade whilst it's hottest. Desert animals also often


Aarav Singh


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