Hot Deserts

  • Created by: Djoumana
  • Created on: 16-11-17 23:24

Hot Deserts are found in Hot, Dry Climates:

·         Climate: There's very little rainfall- less than 250 mm per year. When it rains also varies a lot- it might only rain once every two or three years. Temperatures are extreme- they range from very hot in the day (e.g. 45 degrees) to very cold at night (e.g. 5 degrees).

·         Soil: It's usually shallow with a coarse, gravelly texture. There’s hardly any leaf fall so the soil isn't very fertile. Lack of rainfall and plant material mean the soil is often dry.

·         Plants: Plant growth is pretty sparse due to the lack of rainfall. Plants that do grow include cacti and thromboses. The plants are usually quite short though cacti can grow fairly tall. Many plants have a short life cycle, only appearing when it rains.

·         Animals: Hot deserts contain animals adapted to survive in the harsh environment. There are lots of lizards, snakes, insects and scorpions. Mammals tend to be small and nocturnal, lie kangaroo rats. Most birds leave the desert during the harshest conditions but some like roadrunners, can live there all year round.

·         People: Many people living in the desert grow a


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