Homologous series 2


Homologous Series 2:


When someone says the word "alcohol" our immediate response is to think of an alcoholic drink. This is interesting as an alcohol is actually another homologous series. There is a specific alcohol for drinks, known as ethanol, which is what makes us link the two.

Alcohols are used more as fuel and other sources of energy. They consist of carbon, hydrogen, and a hydroxyl group (Hydrogen and oxygen).

If you see an alcohol in a question about identifying the group, then you should pick out the hydroxyl group.

The alcohols are as follows:

Methanol (CH3OH) has the structural formula of a carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms and a hydroxyl group. Ethanol (C2H5OH) has the structural formula of a carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms, joined to a carbon with two hydrogens and a hydroxyl group. Propan-1-ol (C3H7OH) has the structural formula of a carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms, joined to a carbon with two hydrogens, which is joined to a carbon with two hydrogens and a hydroxyl group. Butan-1-ol (C4H9OH) has the structural formula of a carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms is joined to a carbon with two hydrogens, which is joined to a carbon with two hydrogens, which is joined to a carbon with two hydrogens and a hydroxyl group.

When naming an alcohol, we use a number in the middle to show what carbon the hydroxyl group is connected to.

Properties of Alcohols:

Smaller alcohols such as methanol and ethanol are very soluble. However, the further we move up the group…


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