Homer's Odyssey Book 4: Menelaus and Helen

  • Created by: GrB
  • Created on: 30-10-17 16:08

Homer's Odyssey Book 4: Menelaus and Helen

  • Telemachus and Peisistratus arrive in Sparta where Menelaus is celebrating the dual wedding of his children
  • Menelaus reprimands Eteoneus for leaving the pair waiting, he lets them into the palace
  • They are in awe of the palace and are bathed and given seats by the maids before eating
  • Menelaus compliments their looks, he catches them discussing the splendour of the palace and explains how he has amassed all of his wealth referring to how Agamemnon was killed whilst he was travelling
  • Menelaus laments for those killed in Troy saying he misses Odysseus the most
  • Telemachus begins to cry when Helen comes down and says she recognises Odyssesus in Telemachus
  • Peisistratus confirms their suspicions and tells him that they are after news of Odysseus, and advice about the suitors, Menelaus reminisces about Odyssesus and they all begin to cry
  • Helen slips a drug into their wine while they eat to stop them grieving, she then tells the story of Odysseus entering the Trojan camp disguised as a beggar
  • Menelaus follows with the Trojan Horse story
  • Telemachus says they should sleep and Helen orders her maids to prepare beds for them
  • They wake up and Menelaus asks Telemachus what he has come for, Telemachus says he wants information about his father…


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