Holy Thursday (I)

  • Created by: Kiwisloth
  • Created on: 12-04-19 13:11

summary: the orphans are being paraded and taken down to the church for holy thursday.

key features:

  • it uses iambic heptameter which gives the poem a singing and marching rythm.
  • 'red and blue and green' are primary colours which emphasises their innocence as children. as well as this is uses syndetic listing to mock the philanthropic groups for pretending to help.
  • blake uses the simile 'thames water flow' because it suggests that there is an illusion of of freedom because the water is actually controlled.
  • 'flowers of london town' is an oxymoronic metaphor because flowers didnt frow that much in london durinbg the industrialrevolution due to the fumes from the factories so the flowers in the poem are either false or rare they could be a euphemism for the children who are


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