Holborne: Pavane & Galliard


Holborne - Pavane, “The image of melancholy” and Galliard “Ecce quam bonum”
- Anthony Holborne (composer of English consort music)
- Consort music = popular form of domestic instrumental music-making in England at the time
- First published in 1599
- Examples of Elizabethan instrumental music
- Pavane & galliard = 2 of the most popular courtly dances of the time (contrasting pair of dances)
- Music was intended for amateur performance
- For an unbroken consort of 5 instruments
- Holborne doesn’t make big demands on his amateur performers
- Musicians feel the music as there are no tempo markings
- Players are kept continually alive = rests are very few
- Well suited for viols which have frets, flat backs and 6 strings
- Pavane = mainly conjunct movement
- Few large leaps are followed by




  • sikh