History Y7 Test!! :D

  • Created by: Divi <3
  • Created on: 09-06-10 13:10

Chronology - putting dates in order (earliest to latest)

1260 - 13th century

2005 - 21st century

1479 - 15th century

11th century - 1034

18th century - 1701

14th century - 1312

Anachronism - mix things up from the wrong time period

Primary Source - comes from the time the historian is studying

Secondary Source - something that has been produced since hte itme the historian is studying

Examples: sword from Roman times - primary

school textbook about the Tudors - secondary

letters from Anne Boleyn to Henry VIII - primary

replica helmet from WW2 - secondary

Bias - one sided argument about something

Recognise by finding unfair options

Useful as helps find out others opinions, beliefs

Historians can't trust biased as may not be true

Checking a source - WHO (who wrote & background), WHEN (did author know/witness event), WHAT (contain opinions, contain facts), WHERE, WHY (why written, what is aim), DECISION TIME (totally reliable, very reliable, quite reliable, mainly unreliable, totally unreliable)

Rome under control -

Army & Roads - army built road, better transportation

Towns & Trade - towns traded goods, to get what they needed

Towns & Laws - towns had laws, to keep things under control

Trade & Road - etter trade with roads, easier to transport the goods

Army & Laws - army enforced laws, people followed them

Soldiers had to be: tall, over 17, willing, healthy, obedient, male, strong, loyal

Roman Soldier -

Body armor protects soldiers body, weigh them down, strong and hard

Woolen shirt under armor

Shield (scutum) protects soldier from enemy, heavy, protects whole body

Tights give soldiers support at knees, leaves legs uncovered

Leather sandals don't seem sturdy, not good fro fighting, grips at bottom to stop slipping

Short sword (gladius) is spare in case loose javelin, heavy, for close fighting

Javelin (pilo) easy to charge and kill enemy, sharp, pointy,

Bronze helmet protects head from getting hit, hard, heavy

Roman Republic - citizens into 2 class - patricians (wealthy & important citizens) & plebians (poor citizens) -

Go to assembly where citizens met to elect consuls and make laws

Elected People --------->

Consuls (two governed Rome and commanded army)

Magistrates (officials appointed ot be judges, looked after city's finace and other jobs) - after retired became Senate (600 important citizen who advised consuls)

Tribunes (protected rights of peasants)

Women - not considered citizens, not allowed to vote

Slaves - owned by people, not citizens, not allowed to vote

King in 1066 -

Harold Godwinson - powerful English baron, own army, belonged to powerful family, Edward's brother-in-law, only Englishman claiming throne

Harald Hardrada - king of Norway, powerful, support of Tostig, descendant of king Canute, many Viking families helped him

William of Normandy - claims Edward promised he would be king, grew in Normandy, already very powerful, own army, Normans famous for soldiers skill, took over lands for more power, cousin of Edward

Battle of Stamford Bridge -

1. Vikings travel to York, Stamford Bridge early morning, Harold


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