“Henry VIII might have himself supreme head of the Church of England, but he did little else to change church.” Assess the validity of this view.



“Henry VIII might have himself supreme head of the Church of England, but he did little else to change church.” Assess the validity of this view.  

INTRODUCTION/MAIN ARGUMENT introduce your nuanced judgment= different answer to the question for each theme.  


Despite making himself the supreme head of the church, Henry VIII as the hierarchy of the church, ceremonial practices and the role of the church in local communities underwent insignificant changes throughout the period.  However, some changes were made such as the publication English bible and the dissolution of monasteries. 

THEME 1; Structural 


MINI INTRO – ATQ - whole period, includes counter  



Point Q: Henry made himself the supreme head of the church, the break from Rome, dispelled papal authority. 

Explain: The separation of Rome was a big deal, it isolated England from the rest of Europe who were majorly Protestant with only a few exceptions 

Evidence for Point: Act of Supremacy, 1534, Act Concerning Peter's Pence and Dispensations in 1533 outlawed payments to Rome 

Link Q: there was the major change of Henry as supreme head and removed the pope as the head authority 


Point Q: apart from this there was not much change, Archbishops, bishops and priests remained  

Explain: The roles and obligations of members of the clergy largely remained the same 

Evidence for Point:  

Link QThe people of the country saw little change as the main differences took place in the politics of religion 



However-point Q: There was some change with the role of Cromwell in the church 

Explain: Cromwell became second only to the king in his influence 

Evidence for Evaluation/However-point: Cromwell becoming the Vicegerent in spirituals


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